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Market Scale Analysis of China's Packaging Machinery Industry in 2021

Market Scale Analysis of China's Packaging Machinery Industry in 2021

JYT 2022-06-07 16:00:28

According to the "China Machinery Industry Yearbook 2019" released in January 2020, as of the end of 2018, there were 319 enterprises above designated size in my country's packaging special equipment manufacturing industry, and the main business income reached 31.046 billion yuan, a year-on-year increase of 6.14%. Combined with the manufacturing output and import and export of special packaging equipment(chips packing machine supplier china) in my country, it is estimated that the market size of my country's packaging special equipment manufacturing industry is about 34.6 billion yuan.


As a supporting industry in many fields of the national economy, the packaging industry has benefited from the prosperity of other industries, and its technological progress and supporting services have also reacted to other industries. With the continuous improvement of social material civilization and spiritual civilization, the competition in the packaging machinery industry at home and abroad has become more and more fierce, and the Chinese packaging machinery industry is facing new challenges. Multi-purpose, high quality, high efficiency and intelligence will become the development direction of packaging machinery products in the future:

◀Multipurpose, high quality ▶
Packaging is a necessary condition for commodities to enter the circulation field. Following the consumer demand and consumption concept of the packaging industry and consumers, it is the key to the development of the industry to produce packaging machinery with higher quality. Packaging machines(China tea box packaging machine manufacturer) have been seeking high quality, individuality and flexibility under the condition of meeting functional requirements and safe production. This requires the equipment to be more functional, adaptable to different packaging forms, shapes, sizes, material structures and closed structures. As standard functions, there is no need to add accessories or other customized solutions, and it can comprehensively and effectively solve the product needs of various uses. 

◀High efficiency and intelligence▶
Affected by factors such as increasingly fierce market competition in downstream industries, large-scale and intensive production forms, and rising human resource costs, packaging equipment plays an increasingly important role in production and logistics, and is highly automated, efficient, and intelligent. , Energy-saving packaging equipment has been favored by downstream industries, and traditional packaging equipment is gradually integrated with fieldbus technology, transmission control technology, motion control technology, automatic identification technology and safety detection technology, making intelligent packaging equipment emerge as the times require and continue to Improve. Fully automatic, unmanned, and one-piece packaging equipment is a good opportunity for vigorous development at present. Packaging machinery will cooperate with the trend of industrial automation and continuously promote the overall competitiveness of intelligent packaging equipment.


◀Green environmental protection▶
Green environmental protection is an environmental theme that will remain unchanged in the future. For the packaging industry, which is closely related to people's lives, how to improve machinery, how to better adapt to the concept of green production, how to make production safer, more refined, and more suitable for needs, etc. The problem is also a social issue that requires Chinese companies(drip coffee bag packing machine China factory)) to think about in advance.