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The development trend of packaging machinery

The development trend of packaging machinery

JYT 2022-11-07 17:35:30

The most urgent thing in the packaging industry is to change the development model of all companies in the packaging machinery industry. Enterprises must stand on a new starting point to study and solve the above-mentioned contradictions and problems, change the concept of development, strengthen independent innovation, enhance market awareness, (china honey packing machine factory)and vigorously promote the development of the domestic packaging machinery industry. In order to change the status quo of the packaging machinery industry and promote the development of packaging machinery, the packaging industry must pay attention to the development trend of packaging machinery while developing.

(China cellophane packing machine factory)

1. Focus on simplicity and more automation
At present, the new packaging machinery of many domestic packaging equipment companies generally has the conditions of multi-function, simple adjustment and operation, and mechatronics is a new trend of packaging controllers, such as Foshan Jiayite packaging equipment. Through this statistics, it is found that new packaging machinery will adapt to the trend of industrial automation, and new equipment and technologies have been popularized.


Manufacturing companies will tend to buy packaging machinery that is easy to operate and easy to install. Especially with the current mass layoffs in manufacturing, the need for a simple operating system will increase day by day. Structural motion control is related to the performance of packaging machinery. Therefore, effective customer service and mechanical maintenance will be one of the most important competitive conditions in order to have a place in the packaging market of the future.

(China perfume capping machine manufacturers)

2. Focus on productivity
Packaging machinery manufacturers are increasingly focusing on the development of fast and low-cost packaging equipment. The future development trend is that the equipment is smaller, more flexible, multi-functional and high-efficiency. This trend also includes saving time and reducing costs. Therefore, the packaging industry is looking for a combination, compact and mobile packaging equipment. In packaging machinery automation, automated operating procedures have been widely used.


3. Complete supporting facilities
Only pay attention to the production of the host, without considering the completeness of the supporting equipment, which will make the packaging machinery unable to play its functions. Therefore, the development of auxiliary equipment to maximize the function of the host is a key factor to improve the competitiveness and economy of the equipment market. Machinery manufacturing companies should pay attention to the integrity of the complete set of equipment when providing users with automatic production lines or production line equipment. Whether it is high-tech added value or relatively simple equipment, it can be provided according to matching requirements.