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Four maintenance common sense of packaging machine equipment

Four maintenance common sense of packaging machine equipment

JYT 2022-02-15 16:26:53


Screw packing machine manufacturers Foshan Jayant Automation Equipment Co., Ltd pointed out that 80% of packaging machine failures are often caused by improper operation. Therefore, in daily life, we need to understand the maintenance of packaging machine equipment in order to prolong the service life of packaging machine equipment. Below, Lvgong Machinery will introduce you to the four major maintenance knowledge of packaging machine equipment.


1. The temperature setting of the packaging machine
The temperature setting of the packaging machine, the packaging machine should be used in an environment where the temperature is -10°C-50°C, the relative humidity is not more than 85%, and there is no corrosive gas in the surrounding air, no dust, and no explosive danger.


2. Parts of packaging machine equipment
For the parts of the packaging machine equipment, it is necessary to check whether the parts of the packaging machine equipment are in good condition. For example, to ensure the normal operation of the vacuum pump for the vacuum packaging machine, the vacuum pump motor is not allowed to reverse.


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3. Check the three-dimensional transparent film packaging machine for Camellia oleifera
For the maintenance of the packaging machine equipment, the three-dimensional transparent film packaging machine for camellia tea should be checked frequently. The normal oil level is 1/2-3/4 of the oil window (can not exceed), when there is moisture in the vacuum pump or the oil color turns black At this time, new oil should be replaced at this time, generally once or twice a month after continuous operation.

4. Impurity filter of packaging machine
It has to be said that the impurity filter of the packaging machine equipment should be disassembled and washed frequently (usually once every 1-2 months, such as packaging debris-like objects, the cleaning time should be shortened)

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For more information on packaging machines, please contact the packaging machine manufacturer!