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Details to be paid attention to when installing the cartoning machine/how to maintain the cartoning machine

Details to be paid attention to when installing the cartoning machine/how to maintain the cartoning machine

JYT 2022-03-19 17:03:51

Outer packaging forming equipment has become an indispensable mechanical equipment for many enterprises, and cartoning machine is also one of them. The automation and intelligence of the cartoning machine have greatly improved the production efficiency of the enterprise, and also saved labor costs. Then let's talk about the details we need to pay attention to when installing the cartoning machine and how to maintain the cartoning machine. Let everyone know more about the cartoning machine.

tissue box packing machine 

Details to pay attention to when installing
First, our staff who install the cartoning machine need to undergo professional installation training and must operate clinker before taking up their jobs.

Second, read the "Instruction Manual" in detail and understand the machine.

Thirdly, according to the "Packing List", check the completeness of each part of the machine. If there is any part defect, you need to find all the defective parts first, and then contact the manufacturer if you can't find it.

Fourth, the cartoning machine belongs to the outer packaging equipment and can be installed in a clean room with good ventilation and sufficient lighting.

Fifth, when installing. There needs to be an operating space of 1m-1.5m in width around it, which is convenient for future operation and maintenance.

Sixth, the machine needs to be installed on a relatively flat ground. When the machine is installed, use a spirit level to check whether the machine is level. If it is not flat, adjust the four feet of the machine to make adjustments.

Seventh, after installation, check whether the machine has loose parts. If there is, it should be solved quickly. In order to prevent rust, the machine will be covered with grease before it is packaged and shipped, so it is necessary to clean the grease on the surface of the machine before starting the machine. Note that fiber surface walls and alcohol are used for cleaning; after cleaning, lubricate each lubrication point with lubricating oil again.

How to maintain a cartoner
First of all, when the cartoning machine is not in production and work, it should be cleaned and scrubbed in time to keep the cartoning machine clean and tidy. Note that the power supply should be cut off during cleaning to prevent leaks and accidents.

Secondly, some parts that are easy to wear or have been damaged need to be repaired or replaced in time. When a part of the cartoning machine is found to be loose, it should be tightened in time.

Another is to add lubricating oil to each lubrication point on time after the cartoning machine has been working for a long time. Finally, in addition to daily inspection and cleaning, a major repair and inspection of the cartoning machine should be carried out on a regular basis, so as to increase the service life of the cartoning machine.